Monday, October 19, 2015

MTC: Letters and Pictures

 Hello Everyone!

I made it to the MTC and even survived my first two days! It is amazing here. I like it more then I thought I would. My companion is so nice and we have a lot of fun together. My district is so much fun, we are always laughing and joking around. I don't think that I have walked so many stairs in my life! My bedroom is on the third floor of one building and my classroom is on the fifth floor of a different building. Sometimes it feels like half of my day is walking up and down stairs! 

I love it here! I am learning so much! Its a good thing that everyone here wears name tags or else I would not be able to remember any ones name! When I got here some sisters were telling me that we would have a great two weeks but they we would be so tired. I didn't believe her until after the first full day. I was so drained! But it was a good day. Today in class we were studying revelation and it was so good! There is such a cool spirit here! 

I hope all of you have a great week! 

Love, Sister Christensen

Hey Everyone!

This week was great! On sunday we had a great devotional where Whitney L Clayton came and talked to us. After that we watched a devotional by Elder Bednar which was about eh character of Christ and turning outward instead of inward. Monday I taught an investigator for the first time! she is so awesome and learnign alot. I really like teaching her. Today we went to the templeand it was so awesome. My district is awesome. After we played sand volleyball with some other elders and sisters from our branch and it was way fun! I hope all of you are doing super great back home! I know I am only in Provo but it feels like I am so far away and cut off from the world. The spirit here is so awesome and I am learning a ton! Sometimes it feels like my brain is numb from learning so much!

    Love, Sister Christensen